B.A. Evolution & Ecology, UC Davis 2005 Minor: Geographic Information Systems (GIS) I am completing the Master of Public Health program at UC Davis August 2007 through June 2008. During this time I will be at ICE <50% time. The rest of my time will be spent studying, writing/researching my MPH practicum, and tearing my hair out. I will then start nursing school in Fall 2008 to become a Family Nurse Practioner. Until then, I will continue to work --however sparsely-- in the GIS cave (2120D Wickson).
Sarah L. Thrasher

Contact Information
Dept. of Environmental Science and Policy
University of California, Davis
One Shields Avenue
Position: Junior Specialist - GIS
Email: slthrasher@ucdavis.edu
Phone: (530) 754-5933
Office: Wickson 2120D
Affiliated Organizations
Resources (Data Contact)
Dataset: Monitoring
A collection of about 35 plot databases queried for presence of 340 California invasive plant species.