Program Officer

Stewardship Council Youth Investment Program
Submission Settings: 
Open until filled
Submission Deadline: 
Apr 15 2009

Stewardship Council Youth Investment Program
Position Available - Program Officer

The Stewardship Council has posted a job position description on our website that might be of interest to you, or someone you know. The Stewardship Council is hiring a Youth Investment Program Officer. The Program Officer will help oversee most of the Youth Investment Program grant making at the Stewardship Council and help guide funds to deserving non-profits and programs that are getting underserved youth outdoors. We hope you will forward this email to anyone you know who you think might make a competitive candidate.

The job description is available on the Council's website:

Youth Investment Program Officer Description

As you know, we feel strongly about the work we do, and we are fortunate to be able to bring in someone to help the Stewardship Council  accomplish even bigger goals. Let me know if you have any questions.

Steve Hagler
Director of Youth Investment Program
(650) 344-9072