GeoSpatial Waterbody System

In order to improve water quality reporting, the University of California, Davis (UCD) Information Center for the Environment (ICE) developed GeoWBS, a customized graphical user interface using ArcView and the Dialog Designer Extension that allows users entering water quality assessment information to better spatially define waterbodies. The system links the assessment information to RF3-alpha, permits direct SQL connectivity to the underlying WBS architecture, and helps standardize user input.

Starting in 1998, the California Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) scientists were trained to use the system and will report their assessments on more spatially refined waterbodies. Consequently, the water quality assessment information reported to EPA has been more spatially precise, queriable through a graphical interface, and has already resulted in improved water quality monitoring, reporting, and policy-setting.

In 2002 and 2003, ICE made several enhancements to GeoWBS to improve the process even further. The stewardship of GeoWBS has also been turned over to the California State Water Resources Control Board. For more information, please contact their Division of Water Quality.

Project Start Date: January 20, 1998

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Project Participants