Get UPlan
System Requirements:
- ArcGIS 9.3 or 10
- Spatial Analyst Extension
- MS Excel (for reports)
- UPlan Version 2.68, 1.0MB This file contains both ArcGIS 9.3 and 10 versions of the mxd. It is zipped using the 7z format.
- User Manual, 1.2MB
Change Log:
- Collection of several minor bug fixes.
- Merged code bases for 9.3 and 10
- Improved the TAZ export function to match input totals better.
- Improved error checking in the Data Loader
- GHG module included in codebase
- Resolved error in vacant inner and outer functions
- Automatic selection of all buffer classes when adding an Attractor or Discourager
- Fixed Explicit Employment function in repeated runs using template
- Enabled Service Costs Modulefor use with variantes
- Added "Tools" button to the UPlan Menu
- Tool: Reconstitute Run, Adds a run back into the table of contents
- Tool: Summary, provide a raster with zones and get feed back on Acres, HH, employees by zone
- Tool: Added TAZ Exporter to Tools menu
- Improved Data Loader Error Checking.
- Fixed sub area percentage bug
- Fixed "Unable to Initialize Reclassification Table" error caused by a failure to create the reclass table text files. Note, this error can still be cause by datasets with incorrect projections.
- Improved Data Loader Error Checking.
- Reduced incidence of an over sensitive validation algorithm in the data loader.
- Copied Buffer specifications for attractors and discouragers cannot be copied to buffer classes not set to accept the layer as an attractor or discourager.
- Minor error checking improvements to the Data Loader.
- Variant Land Uses sort by the allocation priority instead of the order they were created in the data loader and user interface
- Up to 99 subareas and 99 land uses are now theoretically possible
- Standardized the percent values in subarea setups so that all make reference to percentages (i.e. 95%) instead proportions (i.e.0.95)
- Fixed a "Foot" "Meter" conversion factor problem. When a projection using a linear unit of "Foot_US" was used, it was not recognized correctly and defaulted to the conversion used for meters. This resulted in an under estimation of needed land by about a factor of 9 and other inaccuracies in the reporting system.
- Added the TAZ export function for 2.6 including a custom TAZ export. This allows the user to export UPlan results to a TAZ structure based on custom mapping.
- Minor Usability improvements