The Landscape Management Unit (LMU) Tool

A raster-based GIS tool developed to parse a landscape into basic topographic categories.  The Landscape Management Unit (LMU) tool has two versions.  An initial version closely follows the methods described in Underwood et al. (2010), binning the landscape into three slope positions crossed with three aspects (resulting in nine total categories).  A second version addresses application considerations that managers have identified within the US Forest Service.  It condenses some of the topographic categories present in version 1 while adding a category based on mechanical operation limitations that usually occur around >30% slopes, resulting in six total categories.  The second version also allows for more user modification. The user can change how topographic categories are defined, allowing managers to more closely parameterize the GIS tool for a project’s particular topographic conditions.


*we recommend downloading version 2 because it includes all of the functionality of version 1 and is more up to date with bug fixes.

Release Notes

4/11/2012 - Errors relating to reclassifying steps and adding the layer file at tool completion corrected. (LMU Version 2 Main Tool)

12/6/2013 - Error that caused the main tool to crash at startup has been corrected. (LMU Version 2)

8/18/15 - Removed version 1 of the tool from the downloads section (if you still want it, here you go but I don't recommend using it: LMU Version 1)

Project Start Date: December 14, 2010

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